宇谲宙诡 Kaleidoverse
/yǔ jué zhòu guǐ/ /ㄩˇㄐㄩㄝˊㄓㄡˋㄍㄨㄟˇ/ /kə-ˈlī-də-ˌvərs/名词。广义的 “宇宙” 定义为万物的总称;而 “诡谲” 则指令人捉摸不透,变化多端。“宇谲宙诡” 这个合成词定义了我所探索的艺术设计领域并无确实的界限,而是通过各个视觉设计领域相互交织、相互联结且相互锁定产生嵌套共生关系,最终创造出的独特 “宇宙”。
noun. “Kaleidoverse” is a made-up word composed by “kaleido-” and “universe,” within which “kaleido-” originates from Greek words “kalos” meaning “beautiful,” and “eidos” meaning “form.” This word defines that the art and design fields that I am exploring are boundariless. They are intertweaved, intertwined, and interlocked and eventually create an exclusive “universe.”