对称与非对称#1 Symmetry/Asymmetry #1
收藏于琼 · 弗拉施艺术家书馆藏和芝加哥艺术学院凸版印刷工作室阿诗黑色封面纸,RIVES BFK低克数版画纸,装帧布,木皮;凸版印刷
Collected in Joan Flasch Artist’s Book Collection and the Type Shop in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Arches cover paper black, RIVES BFK printmaking paper light weight, book cloth, veneer; Letterpress
2017年秋;芝加哥,伊利诺伊州/Fall 2017; Chicago, IL
我对语言学有着非常浓厚的兴趣,尤其是词汇学。“jibber-jabber” 和 “lubb-dupp” 是两个能够构成非常吸引人的相对性与二重性的叠词。“jibber-jabber”,叽叽喳喳(胡言胡语,无意义的对话),与瀑布翻页书的形式相结合,传达了有声的声音、无意义的内容和转瞬即逝的持续性;“lubb-dupp”,扑通扑通(心跳声),压印在一张纸片上,传达了无声的声音、有意义的内容和亘古不变的持续性。
/ˈ jibər-ˌ jabər/
verb. 叽叽喳喳;用一种近乎难懂得快速的语速和兴奋的语调说话;noun. 叽叽喳喳;拥有近乎难懂得快速的语速和兴奋的语调的话语。
*lubb-dupp (也作lub-dup)
/ˈ ləb-ˌ dəp/
onomatopoeia. 拟声词。模拟从听诊器中听到的正常的心跳声。第一心音(lubb/lub)由二尖瓣和三尖瓣关闭心室震动发声;第二心音(dupp/dup)由主动脉和肺动脉关闭震动发声。*英语中的叠词:是一个由完全一样或极其相似的两部分所组成的单词或词位(例如mama)。这类单词也被叫做属种同名。在形态学和音乐学上把通过完全或部分重复构成一个新的合成词的过程叫做重叠。
Symmetry/Asymmetry is a classic project that every student taking classes in the Type Shop in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago has to go through as the very first letterpress challenge:
Symmetry: A word that is centered on the page and must be printed in a serif typeface;
Asymmetry: A word that is off-centered on the page and must be printed in a san serif typeface
I have very strong enthusiasm in language, especially vocabulary. “Jibber-jabber” and “lubb-dupp” are two reduplicatives that compose fascinating comparison and duality. “Jibber-jabber,” the nonsense talk, combining together with the book form—waterfall flip book, expresses loudness, meaningless, and ephemerality; while “lubb-dupp,” the heart beat sound, printed on a single thin piece of paper, conveys quietness, meaningfulness, and eternity.
*reduplicative: is a word or lexeme (such as mama) that contains two identical or very similar parts. Words such as these are also called tautonyms. The morphological and phonological process of forming a compound word by repeating all or part of it is known as reduplication.
#艺术家书/artist’s book
#书籍设计/book design
#文字游戏/word play