纤维艺术/壁毯艺术 Fiber Art/Tapestry
羊毛、棉;2010年秋至2013年春;中国北京wool, cotton; Fall 2010–Spring 2013; Beijing, China
我发现全神贯注于一件事的这种 “慢” 非常美并且我享受其中。因此,在本科学习期间我倾注了大量时间在纤维艺术领域,尤其是壁毯编织,来感受精雕细琢所带来的力量与二重性,冲突与和谐、具象并抽象。
“子不语” 系列壁毯是一个灵感源于调色盘上的肌理与颜色混合的自助探究项目,意在唤醒人们对颜料本身之美的意识。“行云流水”、“紫气东来” 和 “金色草原” 则为委任的工程项目。
I find the slowness of fully concentrating on one thing very beautiful and I enjoy it very much. Therefore, I spend a great amount of time focusing on fiber art during my undergraduate study, mainly on tapestry weaving, to experience the power and duality of exquisiteness and subtlety, conflict and harmony, and concreteness and abstraction.
“Thou Speakest Not” series tapestry is a self-generated project inspired by the texture and color mixing on palette, which reminds people of the beauty of the paint itself. “Flowing Clouds and Streaming Water,” “The Purple Air Comes from the East—A Propitious Omen,” and “The Golden Prairie” are commercial customized projects.
子不语系列/Thou Speakest Not Series
95 x 130 cm/3’2’’ x 4’3’’
from left to right: Thou Noticest Not; Thou Considerest Not; Thou Understandest Not

行云流水/Flowing Clouds and Streaming Water
460 x 280 cm/15’1’’ x 9’2’’
Furnished and displayed in the Principal’s Office in Tsinghua Univeristy
Designed by Prof. Lecheng Lin; Fulfilled in collaboration with Quanhua Liu & Yanmei Wang

The Purple Air Comes from the East—A Propitious Omen
Designed by Prof. Lecheng Lin; Fulfilled in collaboration with Quanhua Liu
460 x 230 cm/15’1’’ x 7’7’’

金色草原/The Golden Prairie
Designed by Prof. Lecheng Lin; Fulfilled in collaboration with Quanhua Liu & Yanmei Wang
130 x 90 cm/4’3’’ x 2’11’’
#自主探究项目/self-generated project
#纤维艺术/fiber art
#戈贝兰壁毯/Gobelin tapestry