彼得罗夫广告设计 Peter Thomas Roth Ad Design
同朱砚合作完成/In collaboration with Yan Zhu2013年秋,中国北京/Fall 2013; Beijing, China

在对护肤品牌 “彼得罗夫” 进行了相关分析后,该品牌的主要性格始终被贯彻于头脑风暴及整个设计流程,例如所有广告语均由三个字母组成且首字母为粗体-细体-粗体的 “PTR” 三个字母。设计均为平面印刷媒介。
After analysing the skin care brand “Peter Thomas Roth,” its main character was being applied during the brainstorming and the whole design process of the advertisement design, such as all the subtitles are in three words whose initials are “PTR”in bold-light-bold pattern. Flat printed matters only.
Li Han does not own the image in the thumbnail. It is only used for educational project training and exercising instead of any commecial purpose. If there is any copyright concern, please contact the designer and the related content will be obliterated immediately.
#广告设计/advertisement design
#商业广告/commercial advertisement