六字回忆录/Six Words Memoir
收藏于琼 · 弗拉施艺术家书馆藏RIVES BFK低克数版画纸;凸版印刷
Collected in Joan Flasch Artist’s Book Collection
RIVES BFK printmaking paper light weight, book cloth, veneer; Letterpress
2017年秋;芝加哥,伊利诺伊州/Fall 2017; Chicago, IL
有一次我在芝加哥市中心的名轩吃早茶,拿到了一个写着 “总会有人欣赏你的美” 的幸运饼干。我觉得这句话虽然很逗趣儿但又有很强的哲学意味。之后,当我拿到 “六字回忆录” 这个项目时,这句话再次浮现在了我的脑海中。我做了少许改写,使其更具山谷女孩般俏皮无礼—“总会有人欣赏你的美,绝对!”
*山谷女孩口音:上世纪七十年代源自美国南加州圣费尔南多谷 (San Fernando Valley, South California) 的颇具特色的口音,富含诸多经典用词和语调特征,具有时尚美丽但肤浅无脑的刻板印象。
When I was having some dim sum at MingHin Cuisine in downtown Chicago, I got a fortune cookie that says “Someone admires your beauty.” I thought it was funny but also profound. Later on, when I got the “Six Words Memoir” project, it came back to me all of a sudden and I revised it to make it a little more sassy, like “Valley Gurl-ish,” to “Someone admires your beauty, like TOTALLY!”
叩叩叩—哇噻! /Tattarrattat—Wow!
收藏于琼 · 弗拉施艺术家书馆藏与芝加哥艺术学院凸版印刷工作室RIVES BFK版画纸;凸版印刷
Collected in Joan Flasch Artist’s Book Collection and the Type Shop in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
RIVES BFK printmaking paper; Letterpress
2017年秋;芝加哥,伊利诺伊州/Fall 2017; Chicago, IL
“Tattarrattat” 和 “wow” 本意为英语中最长和最短的回文(palindrome),而它们又在纸本空间中讲述了具有二重性的故事线索:
它可以偏重形象思维:“敲门声响起 ☛(开门)☛ 哇噻!竟然是你?!”
也可以更偏逻辑思维:“看到最长的回文 ☛ 哇噻!(恰好形成最短的回文) ”
onomatopoeia. 拟声词。叩叩叩。有节奏的敲门声。*palindrome
noun. 回文;正反读拼写都一样的单词。“Tattarrattat” and “wow” are the longest and shortest palindromes in English, which create two storylines with duality on the paper:
One is more scenic: “Knock on the door ☛ (Door opened) ☛ Wow! It’s you!”
The other is more logical: “See the longest palindrome ☛ Wow! (Happens to be the shortest one.)”
收藏于琼 · 弗拉施艺术家书馆藏与芝加哥艺术学院凸版印刷工作室浓墨泰国桑树纤维纸,浓墨泰国香蕉皮纸与RIVES BFK版画纸;凸版印刷
Collected in Joan Flasch Artist’s Book Collection and the Type Shop in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Black Ink Thai Kozo Paper, Black Ink Thai Banana Paper, & RIVES BFK printmaking paper; Letterpress
2017年秋;芝加哥,伊利诺伊州/Fall 2017; Chicago, IL
位于美国的风城芝加哥以冬季严寒著称。在2018年其曾达到仅次于南极和西伯利亚的世界第三冷区域。当与原词 “西伯利亚” 并置时,编纂词 “#芝伯利亚/芝 (加哥) + (西) 伯利亚” 便幽默地突显了其冬天冰刀割脸般的严酷低温。
Chicago is well-known for its severely cold weather in winters. It was the third coldest place in 2018 following the Antarctica and Siberia. The made-up word “#Chiberia/Chi(cago) + (Si)beria”emphasizes the wintry harshness in a humorous way when it is juxtaposed with “Siberia.”
Special Thanks to
周 倩楠/Qiannan Zhou
#文字游戏/word play