2003美加大停电 Blackout 2003
同崔梦茜合作完成/In collaboration with Mengxi Cui爱普生增强粗面纸;喷墨打印;81 x 51 cm/Epson enhanced matte paper; inkjet print; 32 x 20 inch
2016年秋,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州/Fall 2016, Chicago, IL

This infographic is an envisioning information work that visualizes the narrative based on the widespread electricity outage happened from Midwest to Northeast, the United States and Ontario, Canada in 2003. The project aims at using data visualization and typographic strategies to tell the storyline of an over 200-page report containing the whole sequence and consequences, potential reasons, and aftermath, as well as to build a straight-forward, consistent, and coherent narrative architecture.
背景地图/Background Map
Our design strategy is to map everything onto the big background map. In this way, the audience could get a better realistic geographic sense of what was happening during then.

信息乐高/Information LEGO
In order to make data clusters more appealing and realistic, we experimented 3D illustration components in this project. Since they are implemented on an icon-like way to communicate, they can be effectively and efficiently composed into any data envisioning form—just like LEGO bricks.
发电设施乐高/LEGOs of Electricity Generation
from left to right: Power Plant (Generator); Transmission/Distribution Substation; Transmission Line; Distribution Line; City

事件影响乐高/LEGOs of the Aftermath
From left to right: Power Generation; Water Supply; Transportation; Communication; Industry

We want our diagrams to be not only accurate but also in variety. After tons of exploration and experimentation, based on the data analyzing and visualizing, here is a selection of what we accomplished.


#信息可视化/envisioning information
#数据视觉化/data visualization
#海报设计/poster design